Foundation Update, May 2023

Thank you to everyone who stopped at the MCTM Foundation booth at the MCTM Spring Conference to visit, to buy books, to make a donation so we can continue our work, and to buy raffle tickets for the cornhole game and the quilt.

Kourtney Bazhenow won the Cornhole Raffle
Kourtney Bazhenow won the Cornhole Raffle
Jean Michael won the Quilt Raffle. Jean is on the right.
Jean Michael won the Quilt Raffle. Jean is on the right.
Marcy Kickhafer won a free registration for next year’s spring conference.
Marcy Kickhafer won a free registration for next year’s spring conference.

Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you!

To Abe Schwartz & Keith Wix who helped me unload my car and take the boxes to our tables and Keith’s continued help during the conference.

To Amy Wix for her great poster of our spring conference support awardees.

To Sue Forbes for her amazing painting on the cornhole game and being in charge of the cornhole raffle at the conference.

To Christine Quisley for her knowledge of the books we had at our book sale and her willingness to offer advice on their purchase.

To Donna Forbes for helping work at the booth; she will be taking over as Chair of the Foundation.

To all the members of the MCTM Foundation for their support and involvement in our work – Paul Agranoff, Donna Forbes, Teresa Gonske, Christine Quisley, Judy Stucki, Amy Wix, Kay Wohlhuter, and Jan Cutler.

Thank you …
Sue Westegaard
Outgoing Chair of the MCTM Foundation