Meet Your Region 2 Director – Cory Sheldahl

Hello! As I write this I am looking out my temporary office, and while it is not sunny the leaves of color are showing in the park across from my house.  My name is Cory Sheldahl, and I am the new Region 2 Director here at MCTM. 

I’ve lived in Okabena, Minnesota area for 8 years, and most of that teaching at Heron-Lake Okabena School.  I have a Bachelors in Mathematics Education from University of Northwestern, a Master of Science in Educational Technology from Minnesota State University-Mankato, and have been a master’s candidate in mathematics education through Minnesota State University—Moorhead.  This year at school, I am keeping busy teaching with “new” curriculums since I have all different books this year. I’m teaching Precalculus, College Now Algebra, two sections of Algebra 1, and one Advanced Algebra 2.

What do I do in my “spare” time?  I spend it studying, seriously.  I have been researching and trying to provide lessons to students to not just deliver, but drive content (and not always succeeding, but trying new things!)  Besides that, I read regularly, try keeping a regular fitness routine, spend time with my family, and occasionally try to find places to trail or explore.

My family includes my wife, Rachel, who also teaches at my school (music), an adult daughter Bekah, who teaches at a nearby district (Worthington), an adult son Ben who’s into Pharmacy at SDSU as a senior, my other adult son Nate who’s with us and is developing his career, and finally our high school “baby” Ellie who’s a junior, and aspires to be a music performer some day.

It’s been a trip so far this year, with plans changing because of COVID-19 from moment to moment, but that’s why we adapt, don’t we?