Meet Sarah Moffett – Region 5 Director

Sarah Moffett

Hello!  My name is Sarah Moffett and I’m the Region 5 director for MCTM.  I work in Minneapolis Public Schools. I am a third-grade teacher at Marcy Arts School in Northeast Minneapolis.

Early on, I was a student who decided math was not for me. Along the way, great math teachers kept luring me into seeing math as “figure-out-able”. I fell in love with conceptual math education. A few years into my teaching career, I became an elementary math specialist. Several years of working with students and teachers exclusively in math opened up my eyes to the great math education resources, opportunities, and community Minnesota has to offer. Many of those came to me through MCTM. I appreciate the way MCTM facilitates important conversations and equity in math education across the state.

My goal is to connect and support teachers in their pursuit of engaging, hands-on, inquiry-based lessons and experiences. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me for anything that you feel MCTM can do to support you and your learning community

Also, please get the word out about MCTM to your Region 5 colleagues who are not yet members.