President’s Message – November 2021

I can’t remember a year when I’ve been more ready for EM break. If you are feeling exhausted, I see you. If you are feeling overwhelmed, I see you. If you are feeling worried, I see you. If you believe that you will never be caught up with work, I see you. I naively believed that things would get easier after a few weeks when I was back in my school-year groove.

And yet, there is joy to be found. 

My juniors and seniors doing thin-sliced derivatives at their white boards. Having heated discussions about the difference between a product of chains and a chain of products. Seeing the ideas of Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms on the boards surrounding me.

My geometry students exploring ideas with rigid transformations. Then writing and critiquing explanations and proofs about congruence. Seeing conceptual understanding at the forefront with Illustrative Mathematics.

Reading an article on mathematics and inclusion written by a friend and his daughter. Joining with colleagues on zoom meetings and meet ups. Joining Twitter slow chats. Sharing ideas on Facebook. Finding ways to connect even though we are separated by distance. 

Where are you finding your joys this year?

One of my greatest joys is connecting with others. Especially at math education conferences, I feel refreshed when I share ideas with newly-found friends and rejuvenated when I catch up with long-term allies. Look for the article in this MathBits about our redesigned Spring Conference 2022. Make plans to get together in Duluth April 29 and 30. I always find my joy in Duluth.

Karen Hyers
MCTM President