Join the Board of Directors!

Call for Nominations to the MCTM Board of Directors

You or someone you know will help the MCTM Board of Directors continue to grow and innovate as we support the math community of Minnesota.  As a board we strive to represent and reflect the diversity of our membership.  We can’t do that without you!  

Nominate yourself or another favorite math educator in the state who will support the continuous work towards fulfilling the mission of MCTM.   Nominations for President-Elect, Vice President of Junior High/Middle School, Region 3 and Region 6 are open for the 2022 MCTM Board election

The Board election is held in February, with newly elected Board members beginning a three-year term around May 1st.

Qualifications and Responsibilities:


A nominee for President-Elect must have been a member of the Council for at least three years and have participated in the activities of the Council. The President-Elect shall serve for one year and then be installed as President. The President shall serve for two years or until a successor is installed and shall not be eligible for election to another term as President. The Past-President shall serve for one year after the two-year term as President.

The President shall be the chief officer of the Council and, as such, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at the annual business meeting of the Council.  The President shall have the usual duties pertaining to that office and such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Board of Directors.

Vice President for Junior High/Middle School

The Vice-President for Junior High/Middle School represents junior high and middle school teachers from across the state. A nominee for Vice-President must be a member of the Council and have participated in the activities of the Council.  Vice-President shall serve for three years. Vice Presidents provide leadership through committee membership as assigned by the President. 

Region Directors—Districts 3 and 6 (map of Regions)

Region directors represent the members in their region of Minnesota. It is the responsibility of directors to promote membership in MCTM, to serve as representatives of their region’s members in the Delegate Assembly, and to identify and work to solve problems that may be specific to mathematics teaching in their district. Nominees for district directors must have been a member of the Council, have a record of involvement in mathematics education, and must work in the region that the director is to represent. The directors shall serve a term of three years. 

[This information is excerpted from Bylaws of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics]

To nominate a candidate or yourself, please fill out this Nomination Form

All nominations must be received by November 15th, 2021.