Return to Normal or Move Forward?

President’s Message
By Karen Hyers

“Returning to Normal.” After this year and a half of far from normal, I know we are all looking forward to some normalcy this summer. Spending time with friends and family, backyard picnics, hanging out at the lake, baseball games, and outdoor concerts are some pieces of normal that we would welcome back. I’m really hopeful that we see Math-On-a-Stick at the State Fair too! But do we really want everything to return to normal?

We know that schools and mathematics classrooms are not always a safe and comfortable place for all learners. We know that systems are often in place to distinguish between the haves and the have-nots; the “math people” and the “remedial group”. We know that policies are often more about compliance and less about growth. We know that the content we teach is often disconnected from our student’s lived experiences. Is this the “normal” we want to lift up?

As teachers, we did remarkable work over the last fourteen months. We learned new technology and new ways of communicating. We focused on what was essential and we extended grace. We made it work — even when we felt like everything was foreign. Our students did this remarkable work with us.

Our virtual spring conference theme was Moving Forward. NCTM President Trena Wilkerson challenged us to engage and empower each and every learner. Keynote speaker Tracy Zager challenged us to make math class more equitable, more fair and more joyful to teach. Take the time that you need for rest and self care after this stressful year. Then reflect: What was successful? How did you engage the unengaged? What new technology was transformative to students’ conceptual understanding? How did you break down barriers?

Instead of going back to normal, I want to move forward to something better. Let’s take this journey together.