EdCamp January 2020

MCTM’s Math EdCamp January 2020 took place on a frigidly cold Saturday morning. As we arrived, we were asking ourselves why we got out of bed on a below-zero Saturday morning to be at a professional development session by 8:00 AM. The library at Royal Oaks Elementary was warm and inviting. The teacher-leaders of the camp, Ann Vogel, May Vang, Jessica Fricke, and Janee Johnson, were well-prepared and had provided coffee, pastries, and welcoming smiles. On each table were math games and literature to explore. 


The EdCamp began with introductions. Teachers from all grade levels, Kindergarten through college, and from multiple districts were in attendance. There were veteran teachers and new-to-the-profession teachers. We came together excited and curious to learn from each other. While the teacher-leaders gathered and sorted our topic ideas, we worked together on a challenge to build the tallest free-standing tower we could from spaghetti, tape, string and one marshmallow that had to be on the top of the structure. It was fun to see strangers working and laughing together to try to complete the challenge. There was a lot of out-of-the-box thinking and everyone had fun.


We had the opportunity to attend three 45-minute sessions that morning. Our choices were: using manipulatives, small group work, encouraging student discourse, equity, struggling students, and algebra/upper elementary math classes. There was no one expert in the sessions presenting to us, the teachers in attendance were the experts. We got to learn from one another. The environment created was judgment-free and safe for people to ask questions and offer suggestions. Each person there had something to offer to the group and each person had something to learn. The participants in the Math EdCamp were celebrated as valued members of the education community. Everyone left not just with 5 CEU’s, but with ideas, strategies, resources, and a renewed passion for math education.

Stacy Waskosky

St. Paul Public Schools