MCTM Foundation Spring Conference Award Recipients 2019

A big thank you to folks who so generously supported the MCTM Foundation through donations at the Spring Conference. To learn more about donating to the foundation, follow this link to the MCTM website and click on “Donations”

The MCTM Foundation was able to fund 7 grants for the 2019 Spring Conference. The following comments are excerpts from reports shared by grant recipients.

Amy Pope: “I can honestly say that every time I’ve gone to this conference, every year has gotten better! The opportunity to collaborate with other teachers, learn new skills or activities, and just be with other people who love math just as much as I do – it is addicting! I hope to see you next year at the MCTM Conference because without a doubt, I plan to be there!”

Aurora Charter School: “The MCTM conference was a great experience for our Aurora Charter School math teachers. All of the sessions were very informational and motivating; we are excited to share what we learned with other math teachers in our school.”

Sarah Prososki: “As I reflect on what I learned, I just…..sit. I sit and let the images, videos, and stories replay in my mind. I may be unique but I just attended the best math conference ever and attended only a few sessions on “how to teach math”. I immersed myself in any and all sessions around social justice and equity. The way I teach and how I teach will forever be changed… Overall, this conference was life changing and I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend.  I am rejuvenated and excited to cultivate beauty, justice, love, play and truth in every classroom I enter.”

Megan Meyer: “I am grateful for the opportunity and support provided by the MCTM Foundation that allowed me to attend this conference. Even though the conference is over, the learning and impact of this conference will be ongoing.”