Preview of Spring Conference 2019

While the schedule for the conference isn’t official quite yet, here is a taste of some sessions you can expect to find on the schedule for Duluth 2019.

Progressive and Regressive Mathematization with Dawn Dibley

Progressive Mathematization is the development a student’s mathematical sophistication, knowledge and reasoning.  We will explore ten dimensions of mathematization and how thinking about Progressive and Regressive Mathematization can help us meet the needs of students in our classrooms.

Purposeful Planning Knowing Your Kids learning through activities with Christine Quisley

Purposeful Planning Know Your Kids is a way of thinking about what and how we teach our day to day lessons. We will actively dive into the teaching and learning of number sense strategies supporting all levels of mathematical development.

Playing with Tens: Games for Building Number Sense with Christy Pettis  

It’s game time! Come play games that support the development of number sense, particularly around making tens. We’ll discuss ways to differentiate the games to meet different learning needs, and how to orchestrate discussions about the mathematics in the games.

Continuing the Conversation Beyond the Conference with Kristen Helland

Does the conference get you excited about teaching math but then you feel like you are teaching on an island when you get back to the classroom? This session will share ways to stay connected and build community while enhancing your professional learning around mathematics.

Coaching Towards the 8 Effective Math Teaching Practices with Jessica Breur

Every student deserves access to strong mathematics instruction and experiences.  So, 2\what does a classroom look like when powerful mathematics is happening? What is the teacher doing?   NCTM’s Principles to Actions describes eight effective teaching practices to engage each learner. In this session, groups will explore the effective mathematical teaching practices and develop a continuum of “look-fors” when coaching and supporting teachers.

Blindspots and Implicit Bias with Barb Everhart  

Everyone has hidden biases.  This session will focus on how to acknowledge hidden biases and what things we can do to shift/change/reduce our biases.

(Re)Building Adult Numeracy with James Brickwedde

One’s understanding of number and number operations is often restricted by the (interrupted) instruction received growing up. This session looks at approaches used with adults to reclaim a fluent number sense that is connected to the underlying algebraic properties

3 Specific Ways to Do Personalized Learning in the HS Math Classroom with Shannon Seaver

Personalized learning seems like an Utopian classroom setting, but how can we apply it in a large classroom with very little time.  This class will show 3 specific ways that I have applied personalized learning techniques to both freshman and senior level math classrooms.

Teaching Mathematical Ideas vs Tricks with Sara VanDerWerf

Most of us, as students, thrived in classrooms where we were asked to quickly perform calculations.  As teachers we have been celebrated for teaching this way. Why then should we teach mathematical concepts before practicing skills?  Practical ideas for shifting our practice to teaching ideas will be shared.

Creative Activities, Strategies, Technology: Prepare for the ACT with Tom Reardon

Get interactive activities that align directly to questions on the ACT. Obtain proven test-taking strategies, multiple solution paths. Graphing calculators to teach deeper conceptual understanding. Get all materials so that students learn and retain the math better. And score higher!