Join Twitter!

Join Twitter & Be our Tweep!

During the spring conference of 2016, yes, I know that was two years ago, past president Sara Van Der Werf talked about the importance of being connected and finding a support network so that all math teachers stay engaged and continue to grow their practice.   One way that MCTM supports the work of teachers is by connecting through multiple social media outlets. This month we are going to explore connecting with Twitter.

Before you read further, just take the first step and install the twitter app on your phone.  Go ahead, do it!

All math teachers who join twitter are collectively part of an online collaborative community.  We refer to ourselves as the #mtbos or “mitt-boss” or Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere and we welcome everyone!  

All things happen on twitter.  Teachers ask questions of each other.  Teachers share curricular materials. Teachers connect through online pd.   Teachers push each other to be better. Teachers support each other when we are having a bad day, and so much more.

If you don’t know about twitter, or don’t know how to sign-up, check out this blog post written by math teachers who want to engage with you!  MCTM has two twitter accounts. The first twitter account is @mctm_mn and @mctmCONNECT.   If you follow both of these twitter handles you will be sure to receive updates about events and happenings within our organization.  Once you are connected with our state organization, you should consider connecting with others. This list is compiled and updated every year.  It contains hundreds of teachers, from across the world who are math teachers and love to engage in math conversations.  

Find others who teach similar things and give them a follow! Also, add your name to the sheet, so others can follow you.  Finally, send your first message on twitter and include @mctm_mn, so we can help welcome you and connect you to others. An example first tweet is shown.  Along with the type of responses you can expect if you also include #mtbos and #iteachmath.


Spotlight on a Few MN Math Tweeps!


Greta (@g_bergmn)

Favorite recent tweet from Greta about the amazing twitter community!  Greta teaches middle school mathematics and blogs about her classroom happenings at this site


Annie Perkins (@anniek_p)

Favorite recent tweet from Annie is how she shows her passion for mathematics through art and design.  Annie teaches high school math in the Minneapolis Public Schools. She blogs at the site and pushes the thinking of many with her equity lens.  


Amber Delliger (@ADelliger)

Favorite recent tweet from Amber is a comment made in her class.  Amber teaches Adult Basic Education (ABE) at Anoka Ramsey Community College.  She is a firm believer in developing number sense with understanding for each of her students. Amber also wholeheartedly supports the work of MCTM on twitter by re-tweeting and sharing each of our messages.


So, take the leap, and join Twitter!

You won’t regret joining twitter and connecting with other math teachers.  Being a part of the #mtbos for the last 6 years has made me a better teacher, coach, and parent.   Twitter has also reignited my passion for learning and continuous improvement. There is so much goodness to learn from each other and connecting through twitter is just one way.  

I can’t wait to see all of the new “followers” @mctm_mn and @mctmCONNECT gets in the next month.  Do this as a math department or team of teachers – and invite more of your math friends!

Jessica Breur
MCTM Social Media Editor
Middle School Math Coach
Mounds View Public Schools