What Exactly is MCTM CONNECT?

You maybe have heard of MCTM CONNECT.  Perhaps you saw the orange “CONNECT” flags on people’s name tags at the Duluth Spring Conference.  It’s possible that you have seen advertisements about MCTM CONNECT Math Mixers. Whether you have heard of it or not, there is a chance that you might not know what MCTM CONNECT is all about.

CONNECT stands for Committee to Orient and Network New/Novice Educators into a Community of (Math) Teaching.  In a nutshell, this committee is dedicated to help beginning and pre-service teachers of mathematics at any grade level.  We have all heard the statistic that several teachers quit teaching within their first five years of service. I am unsure of the exact percentage because several sources state different numbers.  Regardless, it is an alarming number and there is no denying that teaching is hard-especially those first five years. MCTM CONNECT is determined to prevent teachers of mathematics from becoming a part of that statistic.

The support MCTM CONNECT offers comes in a variety of forms.  The first is our annual Thursday night session before the Spring Conference.  This is a fun event where attendants receive dinner, professional development, free resources, a preview of the conference, and a chance to network with other enthusiastic math teachers and math leaders.  MCTM CONNECT believes that in-person networking is so vital that we also offer a few Math Mixers throughout the year. A Math Mixer is an event where preservice and beginning math teachers get together, eat some great food, and have conversations about math.  

The first Math Mixer is Thursday, September 27th from 4:30p.m. to 7p.m. at Frankie’s Chicago Style Bar and Restaurant in New Hope.

The other mixers will be held in December and February with dates and details to be set later. In addition to these in-person events, you can follow MCTM CONNECT on Twitter (@mctmCONNECT) and join the public group on Facebook (MCTM CONNECT).  This online presence allows teachers to connect with and support each other throughout the year. Events, professional development opportunities, and links to math resources are all posted on these social media platforms. If you or any math teachers that you know could benefit from the support of MCTM CONNECT, please contact us on social media or by emailing one of us.  You can find our contact information on our site at http://mctm.org/connect.php.