What’s new on the MCA III Math test? A straightedge tool!

Submitted by
Angela Hochstetter – Math Assessment Specialist, MNDOE
Ann Page – Math Assessment Specialist, MNDOE

Suggestions from teachers on item review panels led to the creation of a straightedge tool for select linear
regression items in grades 8 and 11. A snapshot of the tool from the grade 8 item sampler teacher guide is
shown below. (Item #13 in section 3)

When the straightedge tool is selected in the toolbar, the blue line with “handles” at the endpoint will appear.
Students can manipulate the line using the “handles”. The straightedge tool is a resource that students may or
may not choose to use in answering the question. To practice using the tool, go to the item sampler and
navigate to section 3, question #13. http://minnesota.pearsonaccessnext.com/item-samplers/
There is additional information about this tool and other tools in the Tools Teacher Guide on PearsonAccess

As always, please contact Angela or Ann with any comments or questions.

Angela Hochstetter – Math Assessment Specialist (angela.hochstetter@state.mn.us)

Ann Page – Math Assessment Specialist (ann.page@state.mn.us)