Have a Say about the MCA

Do you want a chance to give feedback about questions that will be field tested on the MCA next year?

Register in our database to be considered for Advisory Panel Member for this summer’s item review meetings (and/or for future reviews). You will have the opportunity to review and approve field test items for the 2016–2017 MCA. There are also opportunities to participate in a review of the data for recently field-tested items. This year the various meetings will occur at different times between the last week of July, 2016 and the middle of August, 2016.

This is another opportunity for your district to be represented in the decision-making process as well as for you to earn CEUs and be paid for your time.

For more information on the Advisory Panel as well as your four-digit school district number and your six-digit MN license folder number please visit http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/EdExc/Testing/RegAdvPanel/index.html

To register click below:


Feel free to print this screen and share with other teachers. They can scan the QR code above with a smart device to access theregistration page.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Ann Page – Math Assessment Specialist


Angela Hochstetter – Math Assessment Specialist
